I'll discuss the benefits of using LinkedIn, share some of my top tips for growing, engaging with and generating qualified leads. And finally, I'll show you what part LinkedIn has played in my marketing.
I'd been dabbling with LinkedIn for a long time, first as a marketing professional working for a global financial institution, then subsequently, a business owner. It was only in the last 2-4 years that I'd learnt to harness the power of LinkedIn properly
There aren’t always quick fixes to the things I'll share here, but here’s what I wished I had done when I first started out on LinkedIn.
Why LinkedIn?
Here are 3 reasons why startups and small businesses should learn how to harness the power of LinkedIn:
Google loves LinkedIn
Your LinkedIn profile can come up first on the first page of Google organically, when you search for your name or your business. LinkedIn is an extremely highly trusted site for Google so if you have an optimised profile, you'll be more searchable on Google
Find decision makers from a wide range of Industries
One of the best things about LinkedIn is you can narrow down your search for people you'd like to connect with from specific locations, business sectors, even alumni from your university. And it's free, which leads us to the next benefit...
No need to spend advertising ££ to find your Audience
Unlike Google Ads which can require a substantial budget, or your Facebook Business page which requires ad spend to get traffic, the free version of LinkedIn gets you the audience you want. LinkedIn advertising is an option, of course, but until you've tested your message organically with your audience, it can be an expensive experiment
Top Tips on Generating Leads
Here are 3 for generating qualified leads on LinkedIn:
Apart from knowing the demographic of the audience you're building, it's a good idea to run a search to see if they're on LinkedIn. Have they updated their profiles and if so, when was the last time they posted anything?
Quality versus Quantity
What constitutes quality is a matter of testing, creativity and content planning. I used to think posting anything everyday will work but, save for some vanity likes, all I did was adding to the noise on social media.
If you're under time pressure, 2-3 times a week of relevant, insightful, helpful posts interspersed with promotional content works better than just sticking links to articles you've read elsewhere, without sharing your insights on that article.
How to Engage
Telling your story behind the business, inviting your audience to share their thoughts, discussing a customer pain, posting customer reviews, promoting your own events and collaborations are all good places to start. Comment, like and share in return.
Start a 1-2-1 Conversation
Here's where you demonstrate the value you provide to your audience, by offering something free, relevant to your business and of some value to that audience. This can be a download, quiz, video clip or an invitation to your event etc.
Why? At this point, you'd want to take the conversation with a member of your audience who's responded to your offer and has now become a Lead, out of LinkedIn and onto a call, zoom demo, meeting, landing page, app download and/or email marketing.
When you've made the above activities a regular part of your LinkedIn marketing, you'll start to generate leads. This is the first step towards qualifying and converting leads into customers.
My Business to Business Marketing Funnel
I'm not advocating you do all the marketing activities below and in that linear fashion, this is really to show you where I spend my time on LinkedIn, which is at the Top and Middle of the funnel. These focus on creating awareness and cultivating (and qualifying) your audience.
I would automate or delegate some of the steps in implementing these top and middle funnel activities, where possible. That includes my LinkedIn invitations and LinkedIn campaigns (more on that below)